Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Early Christmas Mania and an update on Halloween Cat card

Here's a quick update on my Halloween Cat card. I've really been enjoying doing this, I'm already thinking of another one that I could do. What does anyone think of having these kind of Halloween cats turned into greeting cards? I went to check out the Halloween stuff the other day at Michael's. They were having a whopper of a sale for their usual spooky decor. Would you believe that they're already playing Christmas yard art on display again and again? Jingle Bells was forced through my head so many times, following me around the store no matter where I went. I felt as if my head would explode by the time I got to the checkout. Or maybe implode. Definitely one of the two. People, please save for Christmas music a little while longer. Just one more month.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

something different-pen with pencil!

For the past week I've really wanted to do a cutesy Halloween illustration-so I did.
I completed the ink part of it this morning. I struggled with the idea of leaving it in black and white-but my extremely fickle mind changed courses and I decided to color it in instead. It's about a fifth through the coloring process-maybe a sixth. I'm actually pretty glad that I decided to give in to my color cravings. I feel more comfortable with this piece, and so I'm going all for it with the color-thus the strong orange on the tabbie, who's our own Vinegar, and the cobalt blue on the wizard's hat.

I found some interesting Halloween pumpkins too. They're must-sees to say the least.

One huge pumpkin. In Britain, a spankin' new record.

A rather huge burger.

A fascinating WIP on a wonderfuly detailed, agonized pumpkin.

A heavy pumpkin.

An ugly but huge pumpkin. Why do they even bother making these things so huge that they practically squash themselves?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

a sock! and a sweater!

I can't talk for long-I've been so busy my hair's been practically singed at the ends.

I did get my first sock done, and you know the sweater I was knitting for my toddler niece?

I finished it!